2024 NTOA National Negotiator's Challenge Registration

October 27th, 2024, Chandler Arizona

New in 2024! The NTOA is hosting its first-ever National Negotiator's Challenge, a unique opportunity for crisis negotiation teams to work together and challenge themselves and their teams against other teams nationwide. Teams will participate in a challenging scenario-driven competition. Up to 10 teams (8 negotiators each) may register. The NTOA will provide judging criteria to teams upon registration. The National Negotiator's Challenge is a realistic stress-based training opportunity. It allows participants and observers to witness how other teams each address the same scenario in their way, depending on resources, team size, experience, and much more. Additional negotiators may attend for observation and training purposes.

ALL National Negotiator's Challenge attendees must register for the NTOA CNT Conference (1-day, 2-day, or whole week) before registering for the competition.
Register to be a judge for the National Negotiator's Challenge.

I want to play a role in the National Negotiator's Challenge.

I want attend the National Negotiator's Challenge to watch the competition.